Friday 13 August 2010


this time....i had learnt about juxtaposition and 2 more words...
juxtaposition is a placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity or side by side as a juxtaposition of words.
second word is metaphor. metaphor is a figure of speech in which 2 different things are linked by some similarity.....
and the third or last word is similes. it is a sentence that is using 'as/like'....

and for the exercise for this topic..we were told to choose 3 picture that was given by lecturer and make a words like a poem with following the theme..


love is red...
it is hot....
people can become sweat with love....
love is draw with red as it colored.....
love can make people forget everything and only think about it....
love is spicy....


life is like a candle....
people can be the one that burnt themselves or burn the other people....
life is like candle because we had to live until the candle gone and finish...
life is also like candle because sometimes we need to brightens the other's life...


that picture above can describe the word pin....
it was because..
pain can melt the happiness...
pain also is difficult to recovered just like how difficult to breeze the ice cream...
pain is also can close the happiness...
pain is also has the biggest impact and effect compared to happiness...

thats all i can share this time with my exercise...