Sunday 27 June 2010

Intro..... ^_^

hi everyone...
first of all, i would like to share some of my happiness to all of you..because i had passed my alpha year and now i'm already in my Beta year...hopefully this is nit the end of my life.....hehehee

first time i'm going to creative studies class...i felt proud and happy because not all of student can learn this subject...the first time i see this subject in registration subject...what i expected i'll learn in this class is just like media culture that is like introducing to the world of media and the additional of that is we have to do a group work and its contain 30%of a mark...
its not a small amount...hehehe..i really curious what is the creative thinking that i'll get at the end of this semester...i'm actually really hope this subject will help me to survive in FCM...that's because in the school.i was study in science stream...

i hope this subject will make me change to the person like this...