Friday 13 August 2010


this time....i had learnt about juxtaposition and 2 more words...
juxtaposition is a placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity or side by side as a juxtaposition of words.
second word is metaphor. metaphor is a figure of speech in which 2 different things are linked by some similarity.....
and the third or last word is similes. it is a sentence that is using 'as/like'....

and for the exercise for this topic..we were told to choose 3 picture that was given by lecturer and make a words like a poem with following the theme..


love is red...
it is hot....
people can become sweat with love....
love is draw with red as it colored.....
love can make people forget everything and only think about it....
love is spicy....


life is like a candle....
people can be the one that burnt themselves or burn the other people....
life is like candle because we had to live until the candle gone and finish...
life is also like candle because sometimes we need to brightens the other's life...


that picture above can describe the word pin....
it was because..
pain can melt the happiness...
pain also is difficult to recovered just like how difficult to breeze the ice cream...
pain is also can close the happiness...
pain is also has the biggest impact and effect compared to happiness...

thats all i can share this time with my exercise...

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Associated Mind Map...

This is a mind map that i am doing in the class last week. It is about associated min map and mortar and pastle.

Logical Mind Map

This mind map i create special about myself and my family background. I have two brothers and one sister. All of them still study in secondary school and primary school. Both my parents are working as a teacher at the same school.

Method of Creative Thinking.....

Mind map

Mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items liked to and arranged around a central keyword or idea.. It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing. Mind map is also enhance both side of the human brain.

Logical Mind Map
It is directly connected to the stereotype.

Associated Mind Map
It is to generate random words and also to show the links between words that seamingly have no connection.

Friday 16 July 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

The meaning og novelty is quality of being new. Novelty is also the perception of something as being new by an individual person or a group of person. In creativity novelty is always based on what has been created before.

There are too many definition of creativity. Creativity is the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things. Creativity is the process of generating something new that has value. Creativity does not happen inside people's head but it happen in the interaction between a person's thoughts and sociocultural context. Creativity involves the translation of our unique gifts, talents and vision into an external reality that is new and useful. Creativity takes place unavoidable inside our own personal, social and cultural boundaries. Creativity is the simple action of previously uncombined elements. Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas or to recombine existing ideas in a unique way.

Innovation is to bring in new ideas or make changes. Innovation also is the act of introducing something new. It was about idea selection, development and commercialization. Innovation also is the process of turning ideas into practically reality. Its also about making improvement. Innovation is an idea or invention that was translated into a good or service for which people will pay.

Inventors is those who take existing knowledge and create new idea.

Sunday 27 June 2010

Intro..... ^_^

hi everyone...
first of all, i would like to share some of my happiness to all of you..because i had passed my alpha year and now i'm already in my Beta year...hopefully this is nit the end of my life.....hehehee

first time i'm going to creative studies class...i felt proud and happy because not all of student can learn this subject...the first time i see this subject in registration subject...what i expected i'll learn in this class is just like media culture that is like introducing to the world of media and the additional of that is we have to do a group work and its contain 30%of a mark...
its not a small amount...hehehe..i really curious what is the creative thinking that i'll get at the end of this semester...i'm actually really hope this subject will help me to survive in FCM...that's because in the school.i was study in science stream...

i hope this subject will make me change to the person like this...